Hands on Therapy


Mechanical strains or injuries to the body can alter structure and function.  Soft tissue mobilization techniques help evaluate and treat those areas that may not be moving correctly.  The term “mobilization” deals with the manipulation or movement of these tissues that have restricted range of motion, and treatment/stretching may be needed in order to improve or restore range of motion and balance of the musculo-skeletal system.  Functional Manual Therapy™ uses body positions and myofascial planes to create three-dimensional targeting of an impairment. It incorporates patient active and/or resisted motions, promoting a more effective release.


Myofascial release is a hands-on manual therapy technique that improves mobility, restores soft tissue and connective tissue flexibility, and increases ease of movement throughout the body. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and interconnects our muscles, bones, nerves, organs and vessels in a web of connective tissue. Connective tissues play several essential roles in our body and extend into every nook and cranny of the body interconnecting the body. All communication between cells occurs via the fascial web.

Myofascial techniques can vary from extremely gentle, flowing contacts, to strong and direct force. Both types can utilize hands, elbows, or various tissue release instruments/tools.


Visceral Manipulation (VM) was developed by world-renowned French Osteopath (DO) and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral. It evaluates and treats mobility of the internal organs, membranes fascia and ligaments of the body. Surgical scars, adhesion’s, illness, poor posture or injury can cause strain on the connective tissues of the body. Visceral Manipulation can identify and treat these problems throughout the body. The technique is hand placement near the targeted structures creating tension to facilitate normal mobility of those areas.


Joint mobilization is a passive manual therapy technique applied to joints and their adjacent soft tissues that is used to normalize range of motion and decrease pain. With this approach, the therapist applies pressure to the joints and surrounding soft tissue to return normal movement and reduce pain. Joint mobilization can be a component of a treatment regimen for pelvic pain, low back pain, neck pain and headaches.


The goal is to strengthen the pelvic floor, spinal, gluteal and deep abdominal muscles – in order to restore balance and strength at the pelvic base, which supports the rest of the trunk.  A weak core can lead to bad posture, in turn putting stress upon joints, muscles and nerves, leading to inflammation and pain.  Expect exercises to improve core strength.  Your neck, as well as major joints such as hips and shoulders, have their own stabilizing muscles systems.  Expect “hands-on” monitoring and guidance as you perfect your routine.



This procedure uses plastic “cups” attached to a manual vacuum pump, to pull tissue up and away from dysfunctional tissue targets. It is similar to soft tissue mobilization, except that instead of pressing down into the tissues and moving, the tissue is being pulled up into the cup and away from the body to release associated directional tightness. Cupping is used in different areas of the body to improve circulation and loosen up the muscle and fascia or connective tissue that underlies that area. Many of our patients have increased muscle tone and tightness of their tissues in their areas of pain, specifically neck and back pain. Cupping over these areas and sliding the cup helps to release some of that tightness in the tissue.


E Stim comes in a variety of frequencies, meant to change the sensation of pain, relax the excess tone in painful areas, and possibly reduce inflammation. It is a non-invasive tingling, buzzing feeling provided by electrical current delivered thru small gel backed electrodes, which are placed on the skin over or around the targeted pain. TENS unit is designed for home use pain control. A larger clinical unit, delivering Interferential current and other frequencies is available at the San Jose location.


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